The hunt is on

Fighting poachers in the Tian Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan

The Tian-Shan mountains are just sparsely populated by herders and their families. Their yurts are often the only accomodations the rangers can find.
A member of the ranger unit "Gruppa Bars" is checking a confiscated illegal firearm
A group of organized poachers
An american hunting tourist checks his firearm after after it was inspected by the rangers
The rangers are searching a group of commercial trophy hunters and their clients. Some of the Marco Polo sheep they find have been poached.
The horn of a poached Marco Polo sheep
The rangers check paperwork and license of the trophy hunters
Herder in the Tian-Shan mountains
The rangers check not just commercial trophy hunters but also single herders
Travelling the remote and barren kyrgyz highlands can be a real challenge
The roads are rough and travelling is slow
A ranger is looking for poachers
Snow leopards are put at risk by poaching
Illegal fishing is also a big problem. The confiscated nets are several kilometer long sometimes.
The confiscated nets are burned on the spot to prevent further poaching
Illegaly caught fish found in the back of a car
A poacher tries to argue with the rangers
A ranger checks the back of a herder's truck
The rangers hand out leaflets to herders to raise invironmental awareness

first published @
